
“Ora mi pensa riba Kòrsou, mi ta pensa riba e echo ku aya mi ta sinti mi na kas. Kòrsou ta mi safe haven. Ta kaminda mi por ta mi mes. Ta kaminda mi ta rondoná pa famia i amigunan. Pasku na Kòrsou ta un di e momentunan di mas spesial di aña pa mi. Antes nos tur, hinter famia, tabata bai serka nos tanta grandi. E tabata kushiná pa nos tur, anto tur hende tabata trese algu pa e sena di Pasku. Mi tanta tabatin un kas grandi ku diferente sala pa sinta. Parti dilanti i parti patras di e kas tabatin un kurá grandi. Pa ami Pasku na Kòrsou ta e periodo di amor, kalor, felisidat, kuminda, ambiente i union. E periodo di mas bunita di aña.”


”When I think of Curaçao, I think of home, my safe haven, the place where I can be myself and where I’m surrounded by family and friends. For me, one of the most special moments of the year on Curaçao is Christmas, when we’d go to our great-aunt’s house with the family. Everyone would bring something for Christmas dinner, and my aunt would cook for us in her big house with several living rooms and big front and back gardens. When we finished eating, the children would play with each other in the garden and the adults would sit and chat. For me, Christmas on Curaçao is a time of love, warmth, happiness, food, cosiness and connection – the most beautiful time of the year.”

Crystal, geportretteerd door Tarona