
“Fo’i chikí mi desendensia ta hunga un ròl vago den mi bida. Mi ta mitar kurasoleño, mitar sürnameño. Pero ku niun di nan dos mi ta sinti un konekshon real. Ora mi pensa riba mi roots, mi ta pensa mas lihé riba Sürnam. Aya mi mama a nase. E motibu di mas grandi di mi distansha pa ku Kòrsou, ta e relashon difísil ku mi tin ku mi tata. E tabatei sí pero tòg e no tabata alkansabel. Esaki tabata hasi mi sinti hopi tristu, pero mas i mas mi ta siña dil ku e emoshon akí. Anto esaki ta sòru pa mi tin mas i mas interes den mi antesedente kurasoleño. Mi ke sera konosí ku mi banda kurasoleño riba mi mes manera. Anto mi ke transformá e signo di interogashon grandi ku e isla ta pa mi aworaki, den un kurason grandi.”

“My background has played a vague role in my life since early on. I’m Surinamese-Curaçaoan, but I don’t feel a real connection with either. When I think of my roots, I think of Suriname, my mother’s native country, rather than Curaçao. The biggest reason for this distance from Curaçao is the difficult relationship with my father – he was there for me, but still unreachable. I grieved a lot about it, but I’m increasingly giving these emotions a place, and as a result, I’m more interested in my Curaçaoan background. I want to get to know my Curaçao side in my own way and turn that big question mark into a big heart.”

Ebony, geportretteerd door Tarona