
“Mi a nase i lanta na ‘dushi Kòrsou’, pero awor mi ta biba na Hulanda. E proyekto akí a hala mi atenshon ya komo mi lo por sera konosí ku otro kurasoleñonan di e diaspora. Partisipando tambe mi lo por kompartí diferente eksperiensia. Mi ta sinti mi mas tantu konektá ku e tema rikesa, ya komo esaki ta un tema masha ámplio. Anto nos komo kurasoleño ta masha ‘riku’. Rikesa ta mas ku tin hopi sèn i poseshon. Ta e rikesanan inmaterial, manera e laman blou blou di Kòrsou, kalor humano, nos idioma, anto e tera ku a forma mi manera mi ta awor. Tin biá mi ta realisá mi mes muchu tiki kon riku nos ta komo individuo i komo yu’i Kòrsou.”

”I was born and raised on dushi Kòrsou (sweet Curaçao), but now live in the Netherlands. This project caught my eye because I could get to know other Curaçaoans from the diaspora and share different experiences with them. I feel most connected to the theme of wealth because it’s a very broad concept and we as Curaçaoans are very ‘rich’. Wealth is more than money and having a lot of possessions – it’s the intangible riches like the deep blue sea around Curaçao, the warmth of the people, our language, and the soil. All this shaped me into who I am today, but sometimes I don’t realise just how rich we are as individuals and as Curaçaoans…”

Keenan, geportretteerd door Tarona