
“Pa ami famia ta importante, impresinsibel i di balor invaluable. Mi famia tabatei fo’i kuminsamentu i lo tei te final. Mi ta haña ku nos komo yu’i Kòrsou tur ta famia di otro. Maske nos tin diferente fam, tòg huntu nos ta unu. Nos antepasadonan a krea i forma Kòrsou, anto nos ta keda hasi esaki. Mi a skirbi un kantika ku yama ‘Mi n’ ke yora’. Kòrsou a pasa den hopi kos, pero kada bes Kòrsou ta sali mas fuerte fo’i nan. Komo famia tambe semper nos ta sali mas fuerte fo’i loke nos pasa aden, ku un sonrisa. E kantika ta símbolo pa e yunan di Kòrsou fuerte, emoshonal, balente i sigur di nan mes, ku kada bes ta demostrá kon spesial nos ta komo pueblo.”

”Family is important – it’s invaluable and indispensable to me. They were there from the beginning and they’ll be there until the end. I feel that, as Curaçaoans, we’re all family to each other. Even though we have different surnames, we’re one, together. Our ancestors created and shaped Curaçao and we still are now. I made a song called Min ke Yora, which means ‘I don’t want to cry’ because even though Curaçao has suffered many setbacks, it always comes out stronger. As a family, we always come out stronger – and with a smile. The song symbolises the strong, confident, emotional, amazing and courageous Curaçaoans who prove time and again how special we are as a people.”

Rovan, geportretteerd door Tarona