
“Kon ta pa un persona ku diferente origen, pa konektá ku Kòrsou? Anto kon ta pa lanta na Hulanda? Komo yu di un mama yu’i Kòrsou i un tata hindustan, mi a ripará ku tin biá tabata difísil pa forma mi identidat. Maske mi sa hopi di tur dos kultura, tin biá esei no tabata sufisiente. Afortunadamente awor mi ta mira ku esaki ta trese kos bunita tambe. Mi bista riba mundu ta masha ámplio, sin ku esaki ta kosta mi muchu esfuerso. Ta p’esei mi ke enfatisá ku maske bo famianan ta bini di diferente kontinente, esaki no mester generá divishon denter di bo mes. Abo mes ta un ser kompleto ku diferente historia.”   

”What’s it like, as a person with multiple backgrounds, to be connected to Curaçao? What’s it like growing up in the Netherlands? I noticed that forming my identity was sometimes difficult as the daughter of a Curaçaoan mother and Hindustani father. I get a lot from both cultures, but it sometimes feels like not enough. Fortunately, I now see that it also brings beautiful things: my worldview is very broad without having to put in extra effort. That’s why I want to emphasise – that even if your ancestors come from different continents, you don’t have to divide yourself up. You’re one entity with multiple stories.”

Sarah-Lee, geportretteerd door Tarona