
“Mi historia ta trata tokante identidat. Ta trata tokante e echo di ta kompuesto di diferente identidat. Anto tokante e lugá den e komunidatnan ku ami ta forma parti di nan. Ku mi historia mi ta investigá e bataya pa keda komuniká ku kada elemento di mi identidat. Anto mi ta resistí kontra e sintimentu ku mi konekshon ku mi raisnan ta disparsiendo. Mi ta sinti esaki ora ku mi wòrdu konfrontá ku e distansha físiko i sikológiko, na momentu ku mi purba konektá ku Kòrsou òf Hulanda. Pasó durante mi biahe riba mundu, un kaminda mi a pèrdè parti di mi outentisidat. P’esei mi ta sinti mi komo un turista den mi propio bida.”

”My story is about identity. It’s about being composed of many different identities and wanting to understand my place in all the communities I belong to. My story explores the struggle to stay connected to each element of my identity and resist the dilution of my roots that I experience when faced with the physical and psychological distance of trying to connect to Curaçao or the Netherlands. Somewhere during my journey on Earth, I lost part of my authenticity, making me feel like a tourist in my own life.”

Yeltsiny, geportretteerd door Tarona